English Name Gender Finder:
The English name chart to find out if it is a boy's name or girl's name.
I got a feedback(Thank you!), suggesting me that it's not only Japanese, who are having troubles finding the gender from English names. So I decided to add this page for those of you, who are having the same issue as I have, to share with you what I made for the Japanese site.
I hope it will be helpful...
Note: I made this list simply I thought it would be useful to know/guess the gender from names because we occasionally use Mr/Mrs/Ms/Miss and She/He in our writings/conversations. And for a non-native speaker, the uncertainty of a person's gender (= a fear of making mistakes/being rude) will lead hesitation in communicating with the person. Please understand that I have no intention of encouraging users to prejudge people by gender. Thank you!
Click the initial of the English name!
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G...Girl's Name (Given name/first name for female)