English Name Gender Finder:
The English name chart to find out if it is a boy's name or girl's name.
I got a feedback(Thank you!), suggesting me that it's not only Japanese, who are having troubles finding the gender from English names. So I decided to add this page for those of you, who are having the same issue as I have, to share with you what I made for the Japanese site.
I hope it will be helpful...
Note: I made this list simply I thought it would be useful to know/guess the gender from names because we occasionally use Mr/Mrs/Ms/Miss and She/He in our writings/conversations. And for a non-native speaker, the uncertainty of a person's gender (= a fear of making mistakes/being rude) will lead hesitation in communicating with the person. Please understand that I have no intention of encouraging users to prejudge people by gender. Thank you!
Click the initial of the English name!
Unraveling Mysteries with Double Detectives in 'ノッキンオン・ロックドドア' (Knockin'on Locked Door)
G...Girl's Name (Given name/first name for female)