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About Us

About Us

Welcome to Nademoya ePublishing, your destination for informative bilingual content and resources in English and Japanese, serving as a bridge between two beautiful countries – New Zealand and Japan.

Who We Are

I'm Naoe, the content developer behind this platform. My journey has been shaped by three decades of life in New Zealand as a non-native English speaking immigrant. Despite my rich background and diverse skills, securing a job here was more challenging than I imagined. But every challenge brings opportunity.

Our Mission

Nademoya ePublishing was born out of my unwavering belief in the power of sharing knowledge. While navigating the job market, I decided to channel my expertise into creating informative websites that contribute to a brighter future for both New Zealand and Japan. With each piece of content, I aim to utilise my extensive skillset and experiences to foster understanding, collaboration, and peace between these two incredible nations.

Our Expertise

Drawing from my multifaceted skillset, which includes proficiency in web development languages like HTML, CSS (including CSS frameworks such as Bootstrap, Pure CSS, and W3.CSS), JavaScript, PHP, and ASP, as well as SQL and various databases, I create content that not only informs but also connects. I have hands-on experience with various tools and platforms, from Google Sheets and Maps to cloud services like MS Azure and Google Cloud.

Our Approach

Project management, customer support, and the spirit of Kaizen are ingrained in my DNA. I've not only successfully managed diverse projects and coordinated teams but have also nurtured a culture of continuous improvement. Providing exceptional customer support across multicultural environments has been a cornerstone of my approach. My freelance adventures as a web developer, interpreter, translator, and radio correspondent have expanded my horizons and taught me the value of adaptability.

Join Us on this Journey

I invite you to explore [Your Website Name] and join me on this journey of knowledge sharing, collaboration, and growth. Let's uncover the potential of technology, communication, and cooperation as we work towards a harmonious future for New Zealand, Japan, and beyond.

Thank you for being a part of this endeavor.

Kindest regards,


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